02 October, 2007

Let's Crop With Us

How often do I scrapbook?

"Not even a layout for the past 1.5 years! Oh gosh, I better churn out something when I go for this coming Saturday's CropMeet. It's always the getting started part that is difficult ... and I'm hoping a crop session with this group will do just the trick!"

Crop with {Create} & Pictures 2 Pages are co-organizing this event on Saturday, 6 October 2007 from 2pm ~ 5pm.

According to both organizers, there'll be crop session, fun games, door gifts, lucky draw, RAK prizes, delicious snacks to be served and discounts for offline shopping !!

What's more? P2P will also be having it's 1st Open House on that same day from 11am ~ 2pm at their new location.

So, calling all Singapore scrapbooking addicts ... do free yourself up on 6 Oct 2007 and join in for a day of fun with friends with the same passion!

1 comment:

*Dream Weaver* said...

Why does KL have to be soooo far away...
Anyways, have a good open house and a scraptastic day :)